What it Does

ITwerx 4.0 is an ASP.net content management solution created by Weblinx Inc. that allows you to control your own web site. The program can be customized to meet your needs using any combination of custom tools.

Standard Tools:

NOTE: These are the most popular tools and may or may not be used in conjunction with additional modules listed below.

CONTENTwerx - Add or edit pages of your website at any time, from any computer with an Internet connection. *Includes USERwerx feature.

DOCwerx - Provides documents to visitors with logins. Documents can be assigned to a group of users. *Includes USERwerx feature.

USERwerx - Manage visitors and assign permissions to those with login access.This is iIncluded with both CONTENTwerx and DOCwerx.

Additional Functionality:

BANNERwerx - Use this module to manage banner ads on your website. The included options include how often the ads appear, on which pages they appear, and more.

BLOGwerx - Post articles and respond to comments from your website's visitors.

CARwerx - Directory for listing vehicles on your website, can output format to be submitted to Google Base.

CARTwerx - Shopping cart for selling products on your website.

COUPONwerx - This module allows the creation of printable coupons for your website.

DIRECTORYwerx - Build and manage an online directory including contact information, descriptions, a link to map, etc. Additional custom fields are available. See RATINGwerx (below) for an optional add-on.

EVENTwerx - Display and manage event information in a variety of calendar layouts. Users may be granted permission to publish their own events.

FACILITYwerx - Manage reservation information for your facilities and event spaces.

FAQwerx - Add and update commonly asked questions to reduce the number of incoming phone calls.

FORMwerx - For sites requiring multiple forms. May be integrated with an online bill pay option.

FORUMwerx - Start and manage online discussions with your web site's visitors.

HELPwerx - Ticket-based help desk solution for your customers to submit tickets on their problems and to review the status of their existing tickets.

IMAGEwerx - Upload and manage photos for display in multiple photo galleries.

JOBwerx - Post job openings and accept applications and resumes online.

LEARNINGWerx - AThis allows you to post curriculum and tests for your students. It can also handle multiple classes with different teachers, each managing their own group of students.

MAILwerx - Broadcast e-mails to visitors in database; up to 5,000 recipients.

PROPERTYwerx - Directory for listing properties on your website, can be outputted for submission to Google Base.

RATINGwerx - This is an add-on to DIRECTORYwerx which allows your users to rate a directory item.

SCOREwerx - View schedule of upcoming games, scores from past games, tournament standings, weather updates, field conditions, team photos and more.

SEARCHwerx -This is a simple keyword search of the content in your CONTENTwerx database.

SURVEYwerx - Create simple surveys on your website to receive overall feedback on items (ex: Do you think the Cubs will win the World Series?).

TRACKwerx - Track activity of of logged-in users on your website.

VIDEOwerx - Plays pre-recorded video content on website.


For pricing and to schedule a live, step-by-step demo of the program, please contact our sales staff.

what our clients say...

"When ILGISA needed to move forward with a new image for their website they chose Weblinx. The outstanding graphic design services, innovative content management system, and responsive customer service standards provided by Weblinx were affordable, locally based, fresh and professional."

- Tracy Rogers, Executive Directory, Illinois GIS Association

About Weblinx, Inc…

Weblinx Incorporated provides companies and organizations with distinctive website design for compelling brand and Internet identities. Through Weblinx, your business connects with target customers in a singular voice refined by award-winning creativity and integrated marketing consultation.

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